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Affordable care act essay

Affordable care act essay

affordable care act essay

Affordable Care Act seems to be an attempt at making healthcare a basic right of everyone in America, just like education though it does exclude undocumented residents. It is also a noble attempt to prevent discrimination against those with pre-existing conditions because certain health conditions mean disastrous financial consequences for many low-income blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Apr 12,  · The Affordable Care Act. Federal agencies keep records like many other organizations and sometimes they have records that would help people in various ways. So, because these agencies are servants of the public these records can be requested by someone who has a good reason to see them. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a /5(32) The patient protection and affordable care act is a significant healthcare reforms act which has been developed to ensure that the quality of healthcare is affordable to majority of the United States citizens. The affordable care act has significant emphasis on the quality of care

The Affordable Care Act - Free Essay Example - Words |

Federal agencies keep records like many other organizations and sometimes they have records that would help people in various ways. So, because these agencies are servants of the public these records can be requested by someone who has a good reason to see them. The Freedom of Information Act FOIA is a mechanism that helps people obtain certain records that are controlled by the Affordable care act essay States government. So what is FOIA and what kind of records can or cannot be disclosed to an individual? Want to get an original essay on this topic? The FOIA was enacted on July 5, by Congress to allow citizens by law be able to obtain federal information.

These nine exemptions are listed for the U. S Department of State Freedom of Privacy Act:. Classified information for national defense or foreign policy: An executive order from the President would be an example of this. Inter-agency or intra-agency memoranda or letters that are protected by legal privileges: A person being investigated by the FBI is an example. Law enforcement records or information: An example is the disclosure of a law enforcement investigation on a murder suspect. Information concerning bank supervision: Specific reports prepared by the Federal Reserve is an example of this exemption.

There are also other Acts intended to protect individuals which are the Privacy Act and the Sunshine Act. The Privacy Act was enacted in and protects individuals records from becoming public and allows records to be kept private. Its intention was to protect individuals from having their private information misused by the Federal Government, affordable care act essay. It allows private citizens to find out how Federal agencies collect personal private information and what they use the information for. It ensures the protection of personal information and requires that this type of information can only be given to another individual if it is allowed or agreed to by the individual through a release of information.

The Affordable Care Act ACA was put in place in and intended as an act of comprehensive health care reform that tried to make health care available for more people. The payments that it keeps track of include monetary payments or transfer of any other affordable care act essay of valuable items. The Affordable Care Act. com, Apr 12, Accessed April 18, comApr Order paper like this. Did you like this example? Type your requirements and get professional help. Deadline: 10 days left. Number of pages. Email Invalid email. A professional writer will make a clear, mistake-free paper for you! Stuck on ideas? Struggling with a concept?

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Affordable Care Act Patient Educational Video

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Free Essay About Affordable Care Act | WOW Essays

affordable care act essay

Apr 12,  · The Affordable Care Act. Federal agencies keep records like many other organizations and sometimes they have records that would help people in various ways. So, because these agencies are servants of the public these records can be requested by someone who has a good reason to see them. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a /5(32) Mar 23,  · “The Affordable Care Act affirms the core principle that everybody should have some basic security when it comes to their health care.” (President Obama) It will provide insurance to more than thirty million people who have been previously uninsured, and will be achieved by expanding Medicaid and extending federal subsidies The patient protection and affordable care act is a significant healthcare reforms act which has been developed to ensure that the quality of healthcare is affordable to majority of the United States citizens. The affordable care act has significant emphasis on the quality of care

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