Mar 06, · A blog is one modern publishing location for the essay. The direct nature of an essay lends itself to the blog. It is about expressing ideas. Include a personal sense of humour. Be persuasive, show others of the correctness of your argument, etc Oct 06, · Blogs have become a font for mini essays, but they are by nature short, and so less meandering and ruminative and personal. I just found this site (via blogger.com) called blogger.com. Here's the description: "blogger.com posts new and classic non-fiction articles, curated from across the web, that are too long and too interesting to be read on a web browser."Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Jun 02, · Definition Essay: How-To, Structure, Examples, Topics. Many students look at definition essays as being an 'easy' way of getting a grade. It may look simple, but writing a good definition is more than just writing description. Use this guide to get the most out of your essay and get the highest grades possible. Read full post
Using your Blog to Publish Great Essays - Two Drops of Ink: A Literary Blog
What's a personal essay? Who writes and publishes essays nowadays? What issues come up when writing essays? This is meant to be a discussionplease comment! skip to main skip to sidebar On Essays. Thursday, October 6, The Personal Hazards of a Personal Essay, essays blog. I have been writing personal essays for years, but also been getting rejection letters for years, so I was thrilled to get an acceptance last week from the Morning News. I wrote this essay, "The Debt" for a hour magazine competition, where they give you a topic, in this case debt, and you have 24 hours to submit something. They take the next 24 hours to essays blog, edit, and lay out the magazine.
I didn't essays blog accepted to that, but I was happy with the piece I wrote from a literary perspective. It was about money I had loaned my ex boyfriend for a move across country, and because I wrote essays blog so fast and because I had a topic for which I couldn't think of any other material, I didn't censor myself the way I usually do. It's a big debate in the nonfiction world about how much you worry about the people you write about, and what kind of privacy you owe them and whether you should let them read the piece before you publish it.
Other people have a right to privacy, and I usually work hard to be sensitive to that. In this essays blog I wasn't. I had a couple of people read the essay, essays blog, and I asked them how the "characters" of my ex boyfriend and current boyfriend came off. But I got an email a couple days later saying they wanted it. I spent a significant amount of time on some areas the editor wanted more information on, and sent it in. It went up essays blog. Then there were two issues: 1 the magazine put essays blog somewhat lurid sounding title and blurb on it, which pointed the reader toward thinking my ex boyfriend was a real jerk who was taking advantage of me and 2 I realized I had written my ex boyfriend to be a bit of a jerk who was taking advantage of me.
He and I have both done less-than-generous essays blog to each other, and it was true essays blog he hadn't paid me back what I loaned him, essays blog, but that wasn't the point of the essay at all. Some people saw what I meant them to seethat this was a painful and complicated situation. Others saw what I had I admit showed themthe deadbeat jerk. Essays blog, they saw their own ex boyfriends or their own debtors, and magnified the character with that lens. Once you have published something, it is out of your hands, and your readers will make it their own.
This essay resonated with people, both in the way I wanted it to what do you do with a serious essays blog love that has ended and in ways I very much didn't take that essays blog to small claims court! On one hand, essays blog, the passionate replies I received in the comments section and personally are a great testament to a successful piece, and I'm deeply moved by them. But on the other, I feel mortifyingly exposed, essays blog, and feel that have done a disservice to the people I wrote about, essays blog.
Some of you will say and have saidyou're essays blog idiot, essays blog. You wrote about your personal business, so what are you whining about? I suppose it was naive, and thoughtless, or maybe I rightly sacrificed to my craft. I don't know. I thought about asking the editors to take it down, but that's hard too, since I'm a writer, and trying to make it as a creative nonfiction writer, and it's the deep personal conflict that makes this piece successful. I don't really have a summary here, essays blog, except to apologize to anyone I hurt with writing, this time or any time.
And I'm very interested in thoughts on this topic. Posted by Emily J, essays blog. at PM 24 comments:. Saturday, July 9, Longform. One of the reasons I haven't been blogging very much is that there aren't that many solid personal essays online, and its hard to discuss something with you when you haven't read it. Most of my favorite essays are in magazines that you need subscription for to read online or that aren't online at all, like many literary magazines or book collections. Blogs have become a font for mini essays, but they are by nature short, and so less meandering and ruminative and personal. I just found this site via Slate. com called Longform.
Here's the description: "Longform. org posts new and classic non-fiction articles, curated from across the web, that are too long and too interesting to be read on a web browser. I'll let you know if I see anything especially good. at PM 4 comments:. Wednesday, March 9, Malcolm Gladwell: Overdrive. You know how every month on the cover of Glamour and Marie Claire it says "25 Sex Tips! As a sidenote, this is also the problem with many eHow. com articlesyou polish you shoes by buying polish and using a cloth to apply it; you rent an apartment by visiting several apartments in your price range and picking your essays blog, etc.
In general, I don't want to essays blog things where I can guess what the author will say in advanceI want to be surprised, at least a little bit. Now I talk a lot on this blog about how essays are about a mind in action, and the easiest way to see that mind work is by watching the author's opinion change or her ideas develop over the course of a piece of writing. In Malcolm Gladwell's book review of "Overhaul," a book by the guy who was appointed to oversee the federal bailout of General Motors, Gladwell essays blog a thesis right from the beginning, which we get in classic five-paragraph-essay style at the end of the first paragraph: The result is fascinating—although perhaps not entirely in the ways that its author intended.
But what Gladwell goes on to say about author Steven Rattner and the book and about Essays blog Motors is quite surprising, which is to say interesting. In true essayistic fashion, there essays blog more than meets the eye; not only is this is a book review that is secretly an essay, essays blog, it is an essay ostensibly about Overhaul and General Mills that is really about the private-equity model, which buys falling apart companies, patches them up, essays blog, essays blog sells them off for a profit. And maybe it wasn't even about that, essays blog, but about the self-absorption and confidence that a person has to have to take on a job that has hundreds of millions of dollars at stakea storyline that isn't surprising in itself, but is surprising because of where we found it.
Tuesday, March 1, Essay: Killing the Thetan. Someone just told me about a blog on religious issues called "Killing the Buddha. Hallman about the recent New Yorker article on Paul Haggis and Scientology, essays blog. The thing that interested me about "Killing the Thetan" is the emphasis on Hallman's process of essays blog the story, which is a nice example of a mind at work. Here's where this really hit me: I realized there was a larger problem. When, essays blog, as the writer of a piece about religion, you get too caught up in trying to color things one way or the other, when your allegiance to documented essays blog fact-checkable—this is The New Yorker, after all facts takes precedence over everything else, you become blind to your own assumptions.
Any time you say "I realized. And then there's a nice natural mystery set up What?? What did you realize? which creates built-in interest for the reader. Some of the article is a bit messy and confusing, but I'd rather have a mess than a straightforward and unprobing piece. at PM 7 comments:. Labels: Examples. Tuesday, February 22, Poem: In the Waiting Room. I love the poem In the Waiting Room, by Elizabeth Bishop, published in the s. I don't really get it though. I mean I could get through an English exam with some analysis about the realization of the Other and of separation between oneself and others notice my cultural studies-ish capitalization distinction there!
The reason I bring it up here, other than to bring it to your attention if you haven't come across it yet, is to talk about its essayistic quality of watching a mind process things. The narrator is a child, essays blog, and has essays blog child's blunt and and keen observations coupled with the cloudiness of mind that we all have, whether due to immaturity, essays blog, or fear, or bias, or lack of information. This girl is curious, and questioning, and she doesn't come to any real answer to her essays blog, any more than I can answer what this poem means to me. I also like the ending of this poem, as it goes from heady, massive, essays blog, disorienting ideas back into the grounding specifics of essays blog and place: Worcester, Feb.
Although, of course, there is a war on, and what can be more a source of questioning and disorientation than that. In the Waiting Room In Worcester, Essays blog, I went with Aunt Consuelo to keep her dentist's appointment and sat and waited for her in the dentist's waiting room. It was winter. It got dark early. The waiting room was full of grown-up people, arctics and overcoats, lamps and magazines, essays blog. My aunt was inside what seemed like a long time and while I waited and read the National Geographic I could read and carefully studied the photographs: the inside of a volcano, black, and full of ashes; then it was spilling over in rivulets of fire.
Osa and Martin Johnson dressed in riding breeches, laced boots, and pith helmets. A dead man slung on a pole "Long Pig," the caption said. Babies with pointed heads wound round and round with string; black, naked women with necks wound round and round with wire like the necks of light bulbs. Their breasts were horrifying. I read it right straight through. I was too essays blog to stop. And then I looked at essays blog cover: the yellow margins, essays blog, the date. Suddenly, from inside, essays blog, came an oh! of pain --Aunt Consuelo's voice-- not very loud or long. I wasn't at all surprised; even then I knew she was a foolish, timid woman. I might have been embarrassed, but wasn't. What took me completely by surprise was that it was me: my voice, in my essays blog. Without thinking at all I was my foolish aunt, I--we--were falling, essays blog, falling, our eyes glued to the cover of essays blog National Geographic, February, I said to myself: three days and you'll be seven years old.
I was saying it to stop essays blog sensation of falling off the round, turning world. into cold, blue-black space.
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Blog, Education. Tips for Writing a Great Essay 1. Brainstorm Since this is a broad topic, you’ll have to narrow it down to a specific aspect. It will make things a lot easier for you. For instance, you can look into the positive and negative sides of an educational system in Mar 06, · A blog is one modern publishing location for the essay. The direct nature of an essay lends itself to the blog. It is about expressing ideas. Include a personal sense of humour. Be persuasive, show others of the correctness of your argument, etc Jun 02, · Definition Essay: How-To, Structure, Examples, Topics. Many students look at definition essays as being an 'easy' way of getting a grade. It may look simple, but writing a good definition is more than just writing description. Use this guide to get the most out of your essay and get the highest grades possible. Read full post
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