'Stand by Me' Essay. The film Stand by me is a story of boys hanging out and growing up and explores the rite of passage genre as it recounts the tale of the boys’ adventure and their transition from childhood to adolescence. The use of symbolism in the film helps the audience connect not only with each character in the film but also their own personal journey Aug 06, · Stand by me is a coming of age story about four friends going on a journey to find a dead body outside of their town in hopes of becoming heroes. On their journey, we get to discover the personalities of these four characters as the story goes on and learn about their development as children in their adolescent years This essay has been submitted by a student. The movie “Stand by Me” displays numerous things a kid experiences amid the youth. The hypotheses of Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Erik Erikson are unmistakably exemplified in Gordy, Chris, Teddy, and Vern all through the motion picture. This movie delineates the battle of four young men and what it was get a kick
Stand By Me essays
This paper focuses on the movie Stand by Me. The movie demonstrates the magnificent quest of four friends Chris, Vern, Gordy, and Teddystand by me movie essay, looking at the boyhood stages, stand by me movie essay, growth, and development of teenage boys. Vern is aware of the risky search and informs his friends about the same, as he knows where the body is. This adventure can be deemed appropriate as it modifies the personality of these characters. As depicted in the movie, the search was initially perceived as a playful adventure by young and spirited youth, stand by me movie essay. However, later on, the trip turned out to be a serious discovery, and Gordie, the film narrator, found himself to be the first boy to grow and develop rapidly and break away from the teenage stage.
This paper will briefly review the movie Stand By Me. The review will address various issues of human development, concepts, and theories portrayed in the movie. In the film Stand By Stand by me movie essay, there are various developmental theories and concepts that have been illustrated. Stand By Me is an exceptional movie since it depicts children and their innocence, as well as the nature of diverse experiences and how such experiences can have intense effects on individual characters. At the start of the movie, Gordie, who is illustrated as a grown-up, remembers this specific time when he was a teenager, and to him, this turns out to be a long-lasting memory. The movie illustrates the stereotypical grouping of the boys, whereby one of the boys Vern is overweight, another Gordie is wiser and more mature, still other Chris is a bad boy, and the last one is an untrained risk taker Teddy.
During the adventure, the other side of every character, stand by me movie essay, which is less revealing, has also been illustrated. Stand By Me shows fun, stand by me movie essay, and how the characters explore themselves. The consumption of cigarettes and alcohol displayed and implied violence, as well as plenty of profanity that has been portrayed in the film. Although stories regarding parental emotional and physical abuse are not depicted in Stand By Me, stand by me movie essay, they are often mentioned and they are central to the movie. From the movie, it is apparent that Young Gordie is rejected and criticized by his father after Denny, his elder stand by me movie essay, who was also a football star, died.
Gordie received more attention from his brother Denny, as compared to stand by me movie essay parents. In fact, stand by me movie essay attention of parents is a key factor that affects the growth and development of the children. While growing, children need to be guided by their parents, to be loved despite failures. The parental attitude impacts their socio-emotional and psychological growth Naber et al. In addition to this, all children should be treated equally, although some parents have the tendency of loving some kids more than others.
As depicted in the movie, the development of a teenager is partly based on the quantity and quality of parental attention obtained. According to Cooneythe level of attention, parenting style, and the advice showed by parents to their teenage children has a great effect on the development of such children. Failure to obtain much attention from the parents, as well as being rejected by the father, has made Gordie spend substantial amount of his time with his friends. Apparently, these friends are from different backgrounds and families that are involved in various practices, stand by me movie essay. To give an example, Chris, comes from a family of alcoholics and criminals, stand by me movie essay, although he does not follow the stigmas and views linked to his family.
Teddy, on the other hand, is peculiar and scarred after he was abused physically by his mentally ill father. Although these children stand by me movie essay from different backgrounds, all of them are going through difficult situations related to their families. Children are swayed by a number of factors whilst interacting with individuals not related to them, particularly their peer friends. According to studies, peer influence grows stronger as a child grows, whilst parental influence grows weaker Myers,p. A positive and strong parental feedback and attention is evidenced to affect positively the development of a child.
According to Cooneygenuine and focused parental attention may assist a teenager to succeed in a painful or tough situation. According to Myersthe attachment of children to their parents starts at the early stages and is very powerful. It is evident that parents are vital to the lives of their children, as they assist them in building their self-worth and self-image Naber et al. In the Stand By Me, this linkage is illustrated. The self-image of Gordie was seriously damaged as his parents did not give him any attention or interest. The social and cognitive development of a child is impacted greatly by parental feedback and attention, especially during the formative early years. Stand By Me portrays the painful maturation procedure that has for many years plagued the adolescents and the youngsters.
In a number of ways, the end of the expedition denotes the conclusion of childhood or innocence for the standards, as it is apparent that after finding the body, the boys become quite different. Stand By Me significantly classifies the issues and precisely depicts the pressures that result in the disenchantment and disillusionment of adolescents all over the world. The characters have a firm sense of friendship and uncontainable spirit which guides them via an immense hardship that is eventually admired and all stand by me movie essay detested Bee and Boyd, Stand By Me has various implications for families.
From the above analysis, it is true that the development and growth of children is a vital factor that should be put into consideration. In the process of development, children learn many things and the way they are brought up, what they are taught, see or encounter, determine their adulthood to a great extent Myer, In this case, families may talk concerning the drives that induce teenagers with an aim of seeking refuge in irresponsible behaviour. Besides, families should discuss all matters with their children including death, be it a stranger, sibling, or relatives, and how it impacts the members of the family. As indicated above, the movie Stand By Me clearly demonstrates many of the issues in regard to the development of human beings, as stipulated by Erikson's theory of socioemotional development Cooney, In this movie, the older generation is encouraged to carefully take care of the young generation, especially those in middle childhood.
There are four main characters in the movie. They include Gordie Lachance, stand by me movie essay, Teddy Duchamp, Chris Chambers, and Ven Tessio, stand by me movie essay. The four boys live in a small fictional place known as Oregon town. At their age, their social world enormously widens and they start making personal initiatives for themselves. For instance, Vern and the other boys undertake a two-day journey to get the body of a boy alleged to be hidden in nearby woodlands. In the movie, it is evident that Chris is highly affected by his background, as most of his family members are alcoholics and criminals. Consequently, this realization makes him feel inferior and inadequate among his peers, stand by me movie essay, thus reducing his level of self-esteem and competency.
Teddy suffers a physical deformity on his ear inflicted by his father, who is mentally unstable, thus forcing him to wear hearing aids. Vern is timid and overweight, thus easily picked on by others. On the other hand, Gordie is a well-composed boy, though highly rejected by his family. As indicated by the theory of socioemotional development, parents have a key role in shaping the self-esteem and self-image of their children. Throughout the movie, it is clear that the potentiality and abilities of Chris and Gordon are hindered by the poor attention they receive from the parents Myers, For instance, after they locate the body of the dead boy, Gordon vividly remembers how his father hated him after the death of his brother who was a footballer.
In all his stages of development, Chris thought of himself as a common criminal, as he fully believed in what the older generation thought of him Cooney, stand by me movie essay, With a lot of assistance and encouragement from his friend Gordon, he was able to go to school where he succeeds and becomes an attorney, as seen at the end of the movie. People in the life of a child have fundamental effect on the development of that child. Certainly, to a higher degree, parents influence their children in their early stages of development Naber et al. Nevertheless, the persons who the child socializes and interacts with also become significant influencers to the psychological development of that child. In general, all persons determine how an individual develops psychologically.
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Stand by Me and the 2 Types of Childhood Movies
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We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow blogger.com more Thousands Stand By Me Movie Essay of students made their choice and Stand By Me Movie Essay trusted their grades on homework writing services. We are ready to deal with all sorts of assignments no matter how complicated they are. Our service can save Stand By Me Movie Essay your educational life! Stand by Me Essay. Words4 Pages. The film ‘Stand by Me’ shows how characters unearth self-shaping thing about themselves. Intro: The film ‘Stand by Me’, produced in by director Rob Reiner, set in the town of Castle rock in demonstrates how a group of four young boys undertake an incredible and self-discovering journey, which in turn, allows them to uncover
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