Tobacco is one of the United States’s oldest and most profitable industries, but the tobacco market has been hit by price increases, higher state taxes, increased consumer awareness of health risks, and hefty litigation costs. Smoking has been linked to many types of cancer by medical research blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Jan 10, · Tobacco Essay. ENVIRONMENTAL TOBACCO SMOKE Tobacco smoking has long been recognized as a major cause of death and disease, responsible for an estimated , deaths per year in the United States. After the Environmental Protection Agency and the Surgeon General stated that cigarettes cause lung cancer there was a tremendous 5/5(1) Words | 6 Pages. of Americans younger than 18 years will likely die from a tobacco-related illness if tobacco use persists at the current rate among youth in the United States (1). Tobacco use is the largest preventable cause of mortality and disease in the United States (2). Approximately , Americans die from tobacco-related diseases, while greater than 16
Tobacco Essay Example For FREE - New York Essays
This Tobacco Essay example is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic, please use our writing services. com offers reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper you hand in, tobacco essay. Tobacco is indigenous to the Americas and was unknown to Europeans until the late 16th century. Its use among Native American peoples was widespread by this time; it was consumed largely for medicinal and religious purposes.
Successfully grown by early settlers and exported to Europe, the plant Nicotian a spp. became a crucial crop for the pre-revolutionary American colonies, which relied heavily on slave labor in cultivation and processing. Today, tobacco is grown in more than countries and tobacco essay tobacco is used for smoking. Tobacco is an essential ingredient for cigarettes, pipes, cigars, hand-rolling tobacco, bidis, and kretek cigarettes. Cigarettes account for the largest share of manufactured tobacco products in the world percent of total sales. Except for chewing tobacco in India, and possibly kreteks in Indonesia, cigarettes are the most common method of consuming tobacco.
According to data provided tobacco essay the World Health Organization WHOworldwide over 15 billion cigarettes are smoked every day. The global tobacco industry is dominated by three large multinationals: Altria Group formerly Philip Morris based in the United States, Japan Tobacco, tobacco essay is government-owned and controls 75 percent of the Japanese market, and British American Tobacco BAT based in the United Kingdom. Smoking has been linked to many types of cancer by medical research institutions. For years, the tobacco industry presented studies of its own in attempts to counter growing scientific knowledge about the additives and adverse health effects of cigarettes.
Efforts to tobacco essay tobacco use have increased throughout the world as many countries continue to tax tobacco heavily and restrict its use in public facilities. Employment in the tobacco industry has been declining in developed countries as a result of the introduction of new technologies and national and international tobacco control policies. In developing countries, on the other hand, tobacco consumption and employment in the tobacco industry have been on the rise. In some developed countries, consumers spend more on tobacco than they do on alcoholic beverages; however, the popularity of smoking is in decline.
The main factors driving the long-term decline include: Concerns relating to the impact of smoking on health, the increasing view that smoking is an anti-social habit, growing restrictions governing where individuals can smoke and how companies can market their products, tobacco essay the rising cost of legally bought tobacco. Consumers are increasingly turning to economy brands and smuggled tobacco-contraband products and those legally bought abroad account for 31 tobacco essay of sales-in response to taxation increases, tobacco essay. Cigarettes are a legal, but controversial product, tobacco essay.
Several Western European countries have increased taxes on cigarettes far more aggressively than the United States to discourage smoking, and they have imposed greater restrictions on cigarette advertising, but have been less aggressive in prohibiting smoking from workplaces and restaurants. Only in the United States has litigation against tobacco companies become an important feature of national tobacco control efforts. The U. Department of Justice is pursuing a case against the tobacco essay, citing 50 years of evidence it claims points to a cover-up of the health risks associated with smoking. Smokers stricken with cancer and other smoking-related health problems have also tried to pool their complaints together in large class-action lawsuits.
Often, the courts frown upon such tactics; however, individuals have fared much better, but face lengthy appeals from the tobacco giants. Tobacco essay, the U. Since latetobacco essay, when cigarette manufacturers raised prices sharply as a consequence of the Master Settlement Agreement MSAdeep-discount cigarette producers saw their market share increase from about two percent into over 13 percent inwith about a 45 percent price discount to premium brands. Increasing cigarette prices also encouraged tobacco essay of cigarettes over the internet, sacrificing convenience for cost savings, tobacco essay. Federal lawmakers contended that these internet stores were clear tax evasions: The Jenkins Act requires that both the retailer and consumer report online purchases to aid in tax collection.
State governments aware of the loss in tax revenue, and retailers feeling the competition, have pushed for stricter regulation and greater enforcement. market is dominated by four main manufacturers known as Big Tobacco: Altria Group, which sells approximately half of the nearly billion cigarettes sold in the United States, Reynolds American Inc. The major tobacco companies have signed licensing agreements with Chinese partners to distribute their brands in the Chinese market. A country with a largely restricted market and laws tobacco essay tobacco advertising, China still has million smokers and four times the consumption rate of the number two world market, the United States, and tobacco essay just about the only major international market that is growing. Tobacco contributes a tenth of all tax revenues in China.
Despite the health problems, lawsuits, and rising prices associated with cigarettes, tobacco companies still make profits. Altria Group, the U, tobacco essay. and global tobacco leader, grew revenues tobacco essay 17 percent in as economies in the United States and abroad grew. BAT, number two in the world, also held its own with about 15 percent growth in sales. Tobacco manufacturers are increasingly focusing activities on developing countries, which tend to have less stringent health and advertising regulations, tobacco essay, and where the potential for brand development remains significant.
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Tobacco - essay example for free Newyorkessays - database with more than college essays for studying 】Estimated Reading Time: 1 min Dec 10, · Tobacco smoking has been shown to be unhealthy as it has proved to be the leading cause of preventable deaths in United States, killing more than four hundred thousand people and costing nearly $ billion in health care bills every year, research shows that nearly all smokers start before the age of 18 Words | 6 Pages. of Americans younger than 18 years will likely die from a tobacco-related illness if tobacco use persists at the current rate among youth in the United States (1). Tobacco use is the largest preventable cause of mortality and disease in the United States (2). Approximately , Americans die from tobacco-related diseases, while greater than 16
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