Apr 25, · William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon on April 26, , to a farmer named John Shakespeare. No one knows the exact date he was born, but church records show that he was baptized on April Shakespeare had seven brothers and sisters. Everyone assumes he attended the grammar school in blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Born on April 23, in Stratford-Upon-Avon, England. His father John Shakespeare and his mother Mary Arden. W. S. was able to attend grammer school and learned Greek and Latin classics (this is comparable to college education today). At age 14 his father lost the family fortune and remained poor until his death At 18 he married Anne Hathaway in Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Dec 15, · The name William Shakespeare in itself does not require any introduction. He is the great artist who ever lived on this earth. He was a dramatist. He was a poet and what not. He was literary a star. He was one of his kind. There has come no Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
William Shakespeare | Essay | Short Biography
He was a prolific writer and in addition to poems and sonnets he wrote 37 plays. One more play was attributed to him after he died. William Shakespeare was born into a family of traders, william shakespeare short biography essay, in Stratford-upon-Avon, miles northwest of London in the year Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway in and they had three children, two daughters and a son. Unfortunately his son died at an early age of 11, but the daughters survived. An ardent lover of theatre, Shakespeare lived in and around London to make theatre his source of livelihood. Shakespeare wrote almost two plays each year for this group and emerged as a prominent name in the world of theatre.
In the early part of his career Shakespeare was involved in writing lyrical poetry. His famous poems of the time are Venus and Adonis, and The Rape of Lucrece, both dedicated to the Earl of Southampton. In the final years of sixteenth century, Shakespeare wrote his romantic comedies As You Like It, Twelfth Night, and Much Ado About Nothing, as well as Henry V, the last of his history plays in the Prince Hal series. During the next ten years he wrote his great tragedies, Hamlet, william shakespeare short biography essay, Macbeth, Othello, King Lear, and Antony and Cleopatra.
In the next phase of his writing Shakespeare wrote The Tempest and Henry VIII. In addition he has written many sonnets on the issues of love, chastity, william shakespeare short biography essay, beauty of man, and has challenged the Petrarchan ideals of women as objects of love. Shakespeare william shakespeare short biography essay in and by that time there was no single collection of works published in his name. Inthe First Folio of his authentic works was published by John Hemings and Henry Condell. Your email address will not be published. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message.
Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. Related posts: Short Biography of William Carlos Williams Short Biography of William Faulkner Short Biography of Philip Larkin Short Biography of Vijay Tendulkar. Leave a Comment Your email address will not william shakespeare short biography essay published.
William Shakespeare Biography in English
, time: 4:40Short Biography William Shakespeare - blogger.com

Dec 15, · The name William Shakespeare in itself does not require any introduction. He is the great artist who ever lived on this earth. He was a dramatist. He was a poet and what not. He was literary a star. He was one of his kind. There has come no Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Apr 25, · William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon on April 26, , to a farmer named John Shakespeare. No one knows the exact date he was born, but church records show that he was baptized on April Shakespeare had seven brothers and sisters. Everyone assumes he attended the grammar school in blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Born on April 23, in Stratford-Upon-Avon, England. His father John Shakespeare and his mother Mary Arden. W. S. was able to attend grammer school and learned Greek and Latin classics (this is comparable to college education today). At age 14 his father lost the family fortune and remained poor until his death At 18 he married Anne Hathaway in Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
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